XL Bully

The ban on XL Bully dogs, introduced last year, came into force on 1st February 2024.

Owners of XL Bullies wishing to keep their dog(s) and comply with the Dangerous Dogs Act must have:

  • Applied for a certificate of exemption – this should have been done by 1st February 2024 as the application process has now closed.
  • Obtained third party public liability insurance.
  • Neutered their XL Bully dog, via castration or spaying. Depending on age of the dog, this must have been carried out by 30 June or 31 December 2024 and proof provided to Defra. The certificate of exemption is not valid, if the dog is not neutered.
  • Microchip the XL Bully and provide this information to Defra by 31 March 2024. If the XL Bully was unfit to be microchipped at the time of application, a veterinary certificate stating this must be provided to Defra by 31 March 2024. The XL Bully must then be microchipped, and number provided to Defra within 28 days of the expiry date of the veterinary certificate. A new certificate of exemption will be provided by Defra with the microchip number.
  • You must provide a copy of the exemption certificate to the Tenancy Team.
  • Failure to apply for an exemption certificate could lead to you having to re home your dog.

From 31 December 2023 it is an offence:

  • Not to keep an XL Bully dog on a lead and muzzled when in public.
  • To rehome, buy, sell, transfer ownership, breed or allow an XL Bully dog to stray.

Further information can be sought from the UK Government website – Ban on XL Bully dogs (

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